Skirt Lifting and panties, panties, panties

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Girls, I want to see you both in short skirts wearing black garter belts. Minnie, you should be wearing sexy black leather boots. Mary I want your sexy ass in tight bikini panties and Minnie in black sheer vintage panties. Lots of skirt lifting showing off your panties, stocking tops and garter belts, close up so I can read the tags on your panties. I want you to stand over the camera to give me that sexy under the skirt shot of your panties. Then I want a sexy strip show and watch you walk around in your garter belts, stockings, bras and panties. Damn I am getting so horny just writing this email. I want you in front of a mirror so I can look at your panties from the front and back at the same time. Then I want you topless and pull your panties down and show off your pussies to me. I can hardly wait. Love Mr. Beckman
- Runtime:
- 72 Photos, 00:0
- Date Added:
- 11/09/2024
- Tags:
- Glamour Girls
- Panties
- Stockings
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